Tuesday 24 April 2012

Our First 'Peek At The Week' Completed!

I mentioned in a previous post that I was using organisational printables from I Heart Organising, in particular, the 'Peek at the Week' one to organise us week by week.

For each day there was a mixture of weekly, monthly, fortnightly and bi-annual tasks on there (there's only a couple of bi-annual tasks per month anyway).  The blue pen is for weekly tasks, green for quarterly and bi-annual tasks, black for monthly tasks and red for fortnightly tasks.  Ignore the green for defrosting chicken.  That's by the by.  

I love this printable because it has room for writing other bits and bobs down, plus a little weekly meal jotter with a mini shopping list space too.  Once I have everything written down it makes so much of the stress of ~~life~~ disappear!  If I glance at the board every morning and see what I have to do, that's what I have to do.  For instance, this week's Peek at the Week has a couple of days off (tonight being one of them), and I think Sunday.  Even the days when we're doing a task, it doesn't take all night.  And things are always easier to keep on top of once you do them regularly.  

I used to clean the bathroom when the mood took me (never) and it always took AGES and drove me mad.  Now it's on a Wednesday, weekly (it was on Tuesday but Rob has a long relaxing soak on a Tuesday and I think he was getting a bit perturbed by me standing over him and waiting for him to get out of the bath so I can clean it).  Now cleaning the bathroom is one of my fave things EVER (I'm serious), I have such a good routine and doing it weekly keeps it actually sparkling.  Mad, eh?  Cleaning things regularly keeps them CLEAN.  Who knew?!

(Shout out to Rob for doing most of the things on this list by the time I got home from work.  YOU ROCK!)

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